Quit Talking


As I was eating tuna for lunch, I was listening to Krys Boyd interview Michael Kirk about his movie, “How Obama Led to Trump.”

With only a few moments left, Krys asked what comes next. America is SO divided. Michael said he’s never seen anything like it. He lamented our land’s condition. He offered no hope.

So, here are two thoughts: First, there’s no talking our way out of where we are. No one is listening. Second, since this world is not our home, we live objectively not reliantly.

Certainly, we care about our homeland. But as Christians, we know government is not where our hope of home lies. Our security is elsewhere.

You are one step removed from relying on government. Objectively, heaven is your home and Christ is your hope for tomorrow.

Scripture says that people will know we belong to Christ because of the way we love (Jn. 13:35), not the way we talk. So, love.

St. Francis supposedly said, “Preach Jesus, and if necessary use words.” So, quit talking and act like who you are.


Word of the Year

