Lifetime Ministries

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B and Me

As Roseanne Rosannadanna said, “It’s always something.”

And it is, isn’t it? Over Christmas, it was cold, i.e. chilly to all who live north of Oklahoma, but the dog still got a tick and the bite is infected. Last night on the patio, I got gnats in my drink. Those not suffering gnats and ticks are shoveling snow or your airplane is grounded in Omaha.

Chapped hands, kids with flu, the water heater rusted out. It’s always something. Except when it’s not, then it’s something else.

The other night, I was discussing these things with Father God. In my head, I heard Him say, “Son, this is as good as it gets on Earth.”

This word from God wasn’t discouraging. Rather, it reminded me that this world’s not my home. The longing I have for something more tells me that heaven is home. My soul’s design is to fly with my heavenly Father.

Fishing gnats out of my drink is a temporary condition.