Grace vs. Deliverance

Proverbs 3:34b that, “...He (God) gives grace to the afflicted.” I read that and wondered why God would give grace and not deliverance. Deliverance is the easy way out. Grace refers to a divine influence upon the heart and it's reflection in life, a reflection of acknowledging benefits, favor, thankfulness, joy, and acceptance from God. Deliverance is extraction from affliction with confidence in God's favor and acceptance, joyfully and thankfully acknowledging His benefit. Many times grace is a training ground run through tear-blurred eyes and which in the end leaves your heart strong, your spiritual muscles toned, and your head clear and organized.

Proverbs 3:34 is repeated in the New Testament in 1 Peter 5:5. It is interesting to note the context that Peter chose in writing this passage under the inspiration of the Spirit. Much of chapter five discusses hard times: Anxiety (vs. 9 and 10). After having defined the world of grace Peter closes the chapter and book by saying that he has spoken of the true grace of God... “Stand firm in it (grace of God)!” Unless you live in the world of grace you will not get to know it. Grace cannot be learned apart from hardship.

There are times when I cry out for God's deliverance, only to be reminded that I have prayed for grace. At points in my journey I plead for an easier road and the Lord exhorts me that I have asked to hope only in Him. I would like to learn the ways of the Lord while seated by a mountain stream, but He faithfully encourages me that His way is the wilderness and only there will I really be able to trust Him.

Take courage in your hardship, trial, affliction, discouragement, etc. The Lord Jesus has given you His peace.


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